FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Непосредственное обсуждение подвижного состава, маршрутов, сценариев, геймплея и прочей игровой концепции. Руководство для начинающих: вопрос-ответ.
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Aya Tokido
Сообщения: 762
Зарегистрирован: 16 янв 2014
Откуда: Россия, Оренбургская обл, Орск
Репутация: 284

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Aya Tokido »

Cross писал(а):интересная штука получается, разработчик исправил свои прежние косяки и наделали новых. Впрочем им русский язык необязательно знать. С другой стороны, коли наш издатель 1C обладает правами на продажу в России, то какого, простите, им бы не сделать нормальную локализацию? Вот чего не понимаю.
Похоже маэстро снова нужно будет делать перевод, но уже на основе нового опуса от КЫС :)
Игра специфичная, может поэтому и не заморачиваются с переводом, тхах
http://steamcommunity.com/id/orkl/ -мой Стим аккаунт
http://agent-oracle-96.tumblr.com/ - Мой обновленный блог
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 73
Зарегистрирован: 14 июл 2015
Откуда: Петербург
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FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение NikoTin »

Если ещё актуально:
1) Игра принимает ключ -FPSLimit=XX с любым значением, пробовал 30, 45, 60 - работает.
2) RailWorks\data\SilverLining\SilverLining.config
параметр sun-width-degrees = 1.0 - размер диска солнца. 4.0 вполне нормально.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 32
Зарегистрирован: 29 авг 2015
Откуда: Узбекистан
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FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Aneka69 »

Доброе время суток Уважаемые! Искал но не нашёл где задать вопрос. Надеюсь если задам здесь не нарушу правил. Может где и обсуждалось но интернет в моей стране слабый 128 кб.с. и пока все темы просматрю с годика два пройдёт. Вот моя конфигурация компьютера:
Мат. плата - ASRock G41
Процессор - Dual-Core CPU E5700 @ 3.00GHz
Память - DDR3-1333 DDR3 SDRAM 4GB
Видео карта - NVIDIA GeForce GT 630
Жёсткий диск - HDD ST31000528AS ATA Device 1000гб.
Вот мои настройки:
Изображение Изображение
Вот такой вариант изображения:
Изображение Изображение
В игре FPS 15-30.
Знаю что комп слабоват, но купить что то более мощное нет возможности. Вопрос мой вот такой. Когда выбираю маршрут и кликаю начало то можно смело сходить покурить, заварить кофе, ну и пару минут подождать, только после игра загрузится и можно начинать играть. Игра грузиться долго. Можно ли как нибудь ускорить загрузку игры не прибегая к приобретению нового компа или каких либо деталей. Если есть вариант подскажите. Буду очень благодарен. Если что не так извините. Спасибо Всем за внимание, не зависимо от того ответите или нет :)
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FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Sherlok »

Можно попробовать выключить динамическое освещение, тогда игра будет использовать более старую версию графического движка (правда выглядеть картинка будет хуже), но работать и, скорее всего, грузиться будет быстрее. Также поможет полное отключение теней и снижение дальности обзора.
Ещё совет: для TS у вас слишком мало оперативной памяти, поэтому перед его запуском лучше всего выключать все прочие программы. Это тоже скорее всего влияет на скорость загрузки, так как начинает использоваться файл подкачки.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1684
Зарегистрирован: 18 авг 2015
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1267

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение oldman777 »

Для такой конфигурации ПК попробуйте следующее:
1: В основном окне "Мастер дитэйл" установить в "Среднее" (После этого больше никакие ползунки не трогать).
Галку "облака" снять, а "Динамическое" оставить, но если тормоза продолжаться позже можно снять, как советует Холмс.
2: Во вкладке расширенный оставить всё как есть (Никакие ползунки не трогать). Позже можно поиграть со "Сглаживанием" и "Анизотропией".
3: В третьей вкладке - "Далее" снять все галки.
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FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение pROssO »

Я бы советовал так:
Качество окр. мира - 2/4
Плотность объектов - 10/10 (уменьшать в последнюю очередь)
Дальность обзора - 2-3/4
Тени: 0/4
Вода: по усмотрению, зависит от конкретного маршрута
При необходимости уменьшить (по мере ухудшения):
1. Дальность обзора: 2/4
2. Динамическое освещение:выкл
3. Дальность обзора: 1/4
4. Качество мира: 1/4
5. Уменьшение плотности объектов

Фильтрацию текстур можно повысить и до 4-разрядной, она слабо отзывается на нагрузку видеокарты, но заметно улучшает отображение текстур под большим углом.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 32
Зарегистрирован: 29 авг 2015
Откуда: Узбекистан
Репутация: 3

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Aneka69 »

Спасибо за советы. В третьей вкладке ни одной галочки не ставлю. Попробую как посоветовали. Только динамичное освещение отключать не буду. Привык к динамичному освещению. Чувство реальности а не то что просто тупо глядишь на картинку. Приятно глазу когда тени пробегают в определённых местах, думаю Вы меня понимаете. То что памяти мало я знаю. Есть мысли взять 8 гиг оперативки. Но это пока в будущем. Раб. стол сделал классический вариант без всякого аеро, памяти заметно прибавляется. Главное что бы игра загрузилась а после всё идёт для моей конфигурации думаю сносно. По крайне мере мне нравится. Лишние не нужные службы тоже отключаю. Стараюсь что бы всё внимание компа было именно к Траин симу. Сейчас попробую как посоветовали. Игру только установил и обидно, 64 часа играл а из них часов 62 наверно настройками занимался, и жду пока загрузится. Видать отсчёт времени при загрузке тоже идёт. Яко бы играю. :)

--- добавлено позже в 30 авг 2015, 18:34 ---

Что то не пойму. Вообще не грузится. В диспетчере задач написано не отвечает. Вот так при любых настройках. Хоть наименьшие выбираю. Может надо комп перезагрузить. Уже два дня не выключался. Пере загружусь, попробую и вернусь написать как вышло.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 752
Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2015
Репутация: 1470

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Света »

Aneka69 писал(а):Вообще не грузится. В диспетчере задач написано не отвечает
Aneka69, у моего сима такое было в том случае, если его запустить, а потом, пока он грузится, попробовать открыть/закрыть другое приложение.
Aneka69 писал(а):Можно ли как нибудь ускорить загрузку игры не прибегая к приобретению нового компа
Возможно, долгое время загрузки связано с тем, что есть ссылки на несуществующие у Вас дополнения. Даже нерабочий сценарий, к которому нет ПС. У меня после отключения всех ссылок скорость запуска сима увеличилась примерно раза в 3, а загрузка разрабатываемого мной роута с 7 до 3 минут. У меня на данный момент 3 ГБ оперативки, ОС 32 разрядная, ХР.
Попробуйте запустить Logmate.
Сильные люди - это не те, у которых всё хорошо, а те, у которых всё хорошо несмотря ни на что.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 32
Зарегистрирован: 29 авг 2015
Откуда: Узбекистан
Репутация: 3

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Aneka69 »

Пере загрузил комп и попробовал по новому. Такая же печаль. Проверил кеш, написали типа один файл не прошёл проверки и будет установлен по новому (но так постоянно пишут и загружено 0 байт и готов к игре). Опять запустил и как писал ранее обиделся и пошёл покурить. Покурил, зашёл смотрю он уже с картинкой а не чёрный экран и загружает. Загрузился то что брал в комплекте, но езжу в дополнительном ДЛК, вышел с того сценария в котором был и запустил свой сценарий в котором интересно ездить. И всё, как будто не было проблем, загрузилось на ура и быстро, можно сказать сразу. Я же писал что именно первая загрузка малость нервничать заставляет а когда загрузится первый раз потом хоть сутками не вылазить а играть) Не знаю что это.
Уважаемая Света а не подскажете как мне просмотреть то что написали? Я малость глуповат в этом) :oops:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 752
Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2015
Репутация: 1470

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Света »

Aneka69 писал(а):Света а не подскажете как мне просмотреть то что написали?
Перед запуском игры в корневой папке запустите приложение Logmate. Затем запустите саму игру. Посл выхода из игры в окне Logmate можно увидеть список проблем (если они есть). За все ошибки ничего не скажу, так как я толком читать этот документ не умею, может кто-нибудь из уважаемого сообщества подскажет. Но такие строчки (в смысле, подобные этим):

Код: Выделить всё

[Content 23:11:35] Trace. cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 266 = Blueprint set not found : CCCP, Object
[Content 23:11:35] Trace. cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 266 = Blueprint set not found : CCCP, Object ZD
[Content 23:11:35] Trace. cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 266 = Blueprint set not found : CCCP, Russia land
[Content 23:11:35] Trace. cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 266 = Blueprint set not found : CCCP, Transport
четко показывают на нехватку контента. В моем логе этот список из 15 повторяющихся строк тянулся на 80 с лишним страниц и по времени был на 2 минуты. После отключения ненужного и установки нужного контента загрузка игры сократилась на эти 2 минуты =) . То же касается и роута. Первая загрузка занимает около 3 минут, если выйти в главное меню и снова запустить редактор, грузится за 40-50 сек. Раньше это было соответственно 7/4 мин.
--- добавлено позже в 30 авг 2015, 18:07 ---
P.S. У меня пиратка. Возможно, в случае с лицензией всё не так, не знаю :oops:
Сильные люди - это не те, у которых всё хорошо, а те, у которых всё хорошо несмотря ни на что.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 32
Зарегистрирован: 29 авг 2015
Откуда: Узбекистан
Репутация: 3

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Aneka69 »

В данный момент ещё разок попробовал зайти в игру. Оперу не закрывал, а как известно браузеры много потребляют. Зашёл как залетел. Всё без всяких проволочек.Снял малый ролик. От конвертирую закину на ютубу и выложу здесь (если можно здесь выставлять). Посмотрите и напишите нормально так или нет. Извините за беспокойство. Я не машинист, просто играю в ЕТС 2, FSX, и очень интересен Траин. Было время начинал учится на машиниста тепловоза. Но по стечению обстоятельств так и не стал учится. Да и кто в детстве не мечтал о железной дороге. У меня много вопросов по игре. Хочу научится играть в неё хотя бы на уровне полу профи.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 752
Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2015
Репутация: 1470

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Света »

Aneka69, я к сожалению, по видео не скажу ничего, потому что при скорости моего интернета для меня нереально его посмотреть, а из-за постоянных глюков - скачать. Может кто-нибудь другой скажет.
Aneka69 писал(а):У меня много вопросов по игре
Здесь очень отзывчивый коллектив, так что, я думаю, что Вы найдете ответы на очень много вопросов :) .
Сильные люди - это не те, у которых всё хорошо, а те, у которых всё хорошо несмотря ни на что.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1684
Зарегистрирован: 18 авг 2015
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1267

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение oldman777 »

Возможно совет покажется слишком очевидным, но тем не менее.
Если установлена Виндовс 7 или выше, то в них дефрагментация выполняется не полностью как в предыдущих версиях, а лишь частично, на усмотрение ОС.
Поэтому я практически ежедневно, когда не использую ПК запускаю дефрагментацию раздела с игрой.

Объём папки с игрой 137 ГБ, Файлов: 532 598 шт.
Процессор - Core 2 Duo E8500 @ 3.16GHz
Видео карта - NVIDIA GeForce GTХ760
Память - DDR2-800 6GB
Диск обычный SATA2

Среднее время загрузки до главного экрана меньше минуты, время загрузки сценариев около 2-х минут.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 32
Зарегистрирован: 29 авг 2015
Откуда: Узбекистан
Репутация: 3

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Aneka69 »

oldman777 писал(а):Aneka69
Возможно совет покажется слишком очевидным, но тем не менее.
Если установлена Виндовс 7 или выше, то в них дефрагментация выполняется не полностью как в предыдущих версиях, а лишь частично, на усмотрение ОС.
Спасибо. Но у меня так. Я могу на своей физиономии щетину не брить, но комп чищу и дефрагментирую раз в три или в два дня. Тремя программами Auslogics BoostSpeed, CCleaner, Reg Organizer, да ещё и нет нет сам лезу в реестр и там подчищаю в ручную. За компом слежу в разы лучше чем за своей щетиной. Уже после того как запустилась первый раз теперь грузиться на ура. При этом и на ютубу ролик закидываю, торрентом кое что качаю, и браузер не закрываю. Наверно игра пожалела и стала послушней :)
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 424
Зарегистрирован: 16 авг 2012
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
Репутация: 110

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Mushytka »

Если в доме есть лишняя флешка-почему бы не попробовать использование ReadyBoost?
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1684
Зарегистрирован: 18 авг 2015
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1267

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение oldman777 »

Света Спасибо за подсказку по поводу Logmate.
Возможно кто нибудь подскажет на какие фразы или цифровые коды в отчёте следует обращать внимание в первую очередь.
Или где об этом можно подробно прочитать.
Вылядит очень устрашающе, но ничего не понял: :)
[RunTimeError 18:26:18] Trace mdump.cpp : 422 = error handlers have been set
[Content 18:26:19] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Kuju, RailSimulatorCore
[Content 18:26:19] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Cameras\EditCamera001.xml
[RunTimeError 18:26:29] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 18:26:29]
[RunTimeError 18:26:29] cBlueprintSet.cpp : 345
[RunTimeError 18:26:29]
[RunTimeError 18:26:29] Expression: success
[RunTimeError 18:26:29]
[RunTimeError 18:26:29] Assets\JL\CP\TemplateRoutes\CPMountaincp.bin appears to contain invalid data
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] Duplicate Scenario GUID in SerializeDatabase
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] ASSERT(mScenarioMap.find( scenario->getScenarioID() ) == mScenarioMap.end());
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] cScenarioDatabase::SerializeDatabase()
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] cScenarioDatabase.cpp : 1236
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] Duplicate Scenario GUID in SerializeDatabase
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] ASSERT(mScenarioMap.find( scenario->getScenarioID() ) == mScenarioMap.end());
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] cScenarioDatabase::SerializeDatabase()
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] cScenarioDatabase.cpp : 1236
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] Duplicate Scenario GUID in SerializeDatabase
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] ASSERT(mScenarioMap.find( scenario->getScenarioID() ) == mScenarioMap.end());
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] cScenarioDatabase::SerializeDatabase()
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] cScenarioDatabase.cpp : 1236
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] Duplicate Scenario GUID in SerializeDatabase
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] ASSERT(mScenarioMap.find( scenario->getScenarioID() ) == mScenarioMap.end());
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] cScenarioDatabase::SerializeDatabase()
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] cScenarioDatabase.cpp : 1236
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] Duplicate Scenario GUID in SerializeDatabase
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] ASSERT(mScenarioMap.find( scenario->getScenarioID() ) == mScenarioMap.end());
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] cScenarioDatabase::SerializeDatabase()
[RunTimeError 18:26:53]
[RunTimeError 18:26:53] cScenarioDatabase.cpp : 1236
[Content 18:26:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Kuju, e

[Content 18:26:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: editor\gizmo\scenario markers\standard scenario marker.xml
[Content 18:26:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Kuju, e

[Content 18:26:55] Trace cEntity.cpp : 1256 = Не хватает набора чертежей "Kuju\e
[Content 18:26:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 266 = Blueprint set not found : Kuju, e

[Content 18:26:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Kuju, e

[Content 18:26:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: editor\gizmo\scenario markers\standard scenario marker.xml
[Content 18:26:55] Trace cEntity.cpp : 1272 = Не хватает чертежа"editor\gizmo\scenario markers\standard scenario marker.xml"
[Content 18:26:55] Trace cEntity.cpp : 1272 = Не хватает чертежа"
d t r\gizmo\scenario markers\standard scenario marker.xml"[Content 18:26:55]
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : pml3, addon
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: railvehicles\Electric\pml3_TGV Duplex\Default\Engine\Duplex_loco2.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-17A Plan D B7751 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-17A Plan D B7751 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-23 Plan D B7804 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-23 Plan D B7804 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24 Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24 Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-20 Plan D C7801 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-20 Plan D C7801 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40005-10 Plan C P7920 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40005-10 Plan C P7920 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-10 Plan K AB7355 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-10 Plan K AB7355 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40005-10 Plan C P7920 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40005-10 Plan C P7920 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-11 Plan D AB7702 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-11 Plan D AB7702 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-11 Plan D AB7702 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-11 Plan D AB7702 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-20 Plan D C7801 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-20 Plan D C7801 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-11 Plan D AB7702 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-11 Plan D AB7702 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-11 Plan D AB7702 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-11 Plan D AB7702 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-17A Plan D B7751 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-17A Plan D B7751 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40001-20 Bolkop ABd 7401 Groen
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40001-20 Bolkop ABd 7401 Groen
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-10 Plan D RD7651 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-10 Plan D RD7651 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-10 Plan K AB7355 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-10 Plan K AB7355 Blauw
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24 Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24 Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24 Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24 Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-10 Plan D RD7651 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-10 Plan D RD7651 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40001-20 Bolkop ABd 7401 Groen
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40001-20 Bolkop ABd 7401 Groen
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-20 Plan D C7801 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-20 Plan D C7801 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-17A Plan D B7751 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-17A Plan D B7751 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24 Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24 Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-20 Plan D C7801 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-20 Plan D C7801 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-23 Plan D B7804 Blauw
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-23 Plan D B7804 Blauw
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-17A Plan D B7751 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-17A Plan D B7751 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40005-10 Plan C P7920 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40005-10 Plan C P7920 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40004-14A Plan D RD7655 Blauw NS Logo - Clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40005-10 Plan C P7920 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40005-10 Plan C P7920 Turkoois
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40003-12A Plan K AB7357 Blauw NS Logo clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\RailJet2p\RailJet2p_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\OEBB_2043\Default\Engine\OEBB_2043.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1142\default\OEBB_1142_vl_nL_Pflatsch.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\RailJet2p\RailJet2p_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\AUDI\Audi_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\OBB\OBB_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1042\default\OEBB_1042_vl_aL_Pflatsch.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\Hitradio_O3\Hitradio_ES64U.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\OBB\OBB_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\OEBB_2043\Default\Engine\OEBB_2043.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1042\default\OEBB_1042_vl_aL_Pflatsch.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\Railion\Railion_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\OBB\OBB_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\OBB\OBB_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1042\default\OEBB_1042_vl_aL_Pflatsch.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\OEBB_2043\Default\Engine\OEBB_2043.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1142\default\OEBB_1142_vl_nL_Pflatsch.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\OBB\OBB_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\OBB\OBB_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\RailJet3p\RailJet3P_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\OBB\OBB_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\RailJet3p\RailJet3P_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\ES64U2\OBB\OBB_ES64U2.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : HRQ, Taurus
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1142\default\OEBB_1142_vl_nL_Logo.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\DBS\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\OneDark\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\RES\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\ICSwallow\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\FSRail\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\EWS\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\RfdOrig\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\BR_Blue_2\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\TEA_Tank_Fragment.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class87Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class87\Default\Engine\Class87_Intercity.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class87Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class87Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class87\Default\Engine\Class87_Intercity.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class87Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\TEA_Tank_Fragment.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\BR_Green\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\NSE\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\ICSwallow\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class91Addon
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class 91\Default\Engine\Class91.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class91Addon
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack02
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class67\Default\Engine\Class67_Jubilee.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack02
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class91Addon
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class 91\Default\Engine\Class91.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class91Addon
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : IHH, Diesel Crane
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Jib Truck\Jib Truck Blueprint.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : IHH, Diesel Crane
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class87Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class87\Default\Engine\Class87_Intercity.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class87Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:11] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\Virgin\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\One\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\EWS\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class91Addon
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\MK4 DVT\Default\Engine\MK4DVT.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class91Addon
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\DBS\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\FSRail\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_rebuilt_bulleid_light_pacific_loco
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: default\Engine\RLP_Steam_Engine.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : DT, DT_rebuilt_bulleid_light_pacific_loco
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\General_Grey\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class87Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class87\Default\Engine\Class87_Intercity.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class87Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\DBS\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\OneDark\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\RES\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\ICSwallow\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\FSRail\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\EWS\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\RfdOrig\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\BR_Blue_2\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\BR_Green\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\NSE\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\ICSwallow\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack02
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class67\Default\Engine\Class67_Jubilee.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack02
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\Virgin\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\One\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\EWS\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\DBS\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\FSRail\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\General_Grey\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class87Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class47LL Engine.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class87Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\DBS\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\OneDark\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\NSE\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\RES\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\ICSwallow\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\PowerBogie\RailMotorPowerBogie.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\Engine\RailMotorMain.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\FSRail\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\EWS\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\RfdOrig\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\BR_Blue_2\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\PowerBogie\RailMotorPowerBogie.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\PowerBogie\RailMotorPowerBogie.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, SettleCarlisle
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passenger\MK1BSK\BR Crimson\Coach\mk1sk.bin.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, SettleCarlisle
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\BR_Green\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:12] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\NSE\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\Engine\RailMotorMain.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\ICSwallow\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack02
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class67\Default\Engine\Class67_Jubilee.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack02
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : IHH, Diesel Crane
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Jib Truck\Jib Truck Blueprint.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : IHH, Diesel Crane
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\Engine\RailMotorMain.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\Virgin\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\One\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\EWS\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Railvehicles\Steam\RailMotor\Default\Engine\RailMotorMain.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VictoryWorks, GWRSteamRailmotor
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : T9Express, OrientExpress
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passengers\LX Sleeper\LX Sleeper Car.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : T9Express, OrientExpress
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\DBS\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : T9Express, OrientExpress
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passengers\LX Sleeper\LX Sleeper Car.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : T9Express, OrientExpress
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\MJA_Hopper_Fragment.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : T9Express, OrientExpress
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passengers\LX Sleeper\LX Sleeper Car.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : T9Express, OrientExpress
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\FSRail\Class 90.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\TEA_Tank_Fragment.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class70\Default\class70_default.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class70Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\General_Grey\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_IRWg
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\IRWg_7_Wagen_Fragment.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_IRWg
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_IRWg
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\IRWg_9_Wagen_Fragment.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_IRWg
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VirtualRailroads, vR_Eaos-x-075-1
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Fragment\Eaos_12Wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : VirtualRailroads, vR_Eaos-x-075-1
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR323
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: DieselLoks\BR323\BR323.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR323
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR323
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: DieselLoks\BR323\BR323.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR323
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR323
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: DieselLoks\BR323\BR323.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR323
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR323
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: DieselLoks\BR323\BR323.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR323
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR323
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: DieselLoks\BR323\BR323.xml
[Content 18:27:13] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR323
[Content 18:27:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found :
u u , RailSimulatorCore
[Content 18:27:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Editor\Gizmo\Scenario Markers\Standard Scenario Marker.xml
[Content 18:27:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found :
u u , RailSimulatorCore
[Content 18:27:55] Trace cEntity.cpp : 1256 = Не хватает набора чертежей "
u u \RailSimulatorCore"
[Content 18:27:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 266 = Blueprint set not found :
u u , RailSimulatorCore
[Content 18:27:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found :
u u , RailSimulatorCore
[Content 18:27:55] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Editor\Gizmo\Scenario Markers\Standard Scenario Marker.xml
[Content 18:27:55] Trace cEntity.cpp : 1272 = Не хватает чертежа"Editor\Gizmo\Scenario Markers\Standard Scenario Marker.xml"
[RunTimeError 18:28:47] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:47] cTransferPointComponent.cpp : 1550
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:47] Expression: mAttachPointNodeIndex != 0xffffffff
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:47] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:47] cTransferPointComponent.cpp : 1550
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:47] Expression: mAttachPointNodeIndex != 0xffffffff
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:47] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:47] cTransferPointComponent.cpp : 1550
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:47] Expression: mAttachPointNodeIndex != 0xffffffff
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:47]
[RunTimeError 18:28:59] Track Rule missing: ////
[RunTimeError 18:28:59]
[RunTimeError 18:28:59] ASSERT(mTrackRule != 0);
[RunTimeError 18:28:59]
[RunTimeError 18:28:59] Network::iTrackNetworkTrackRule::cPropertyValue::setTrackRule()
[RunTimeError 18:28:59]
[RunTimeError 18:28:59] C:\build\CoreRelease\Code\\PublicInterfaces\iTrackNetworkProperties.d.h : 84
[Content 18:29:20] Trace cRailSimSoundSystem.cpp : 534 = Sample RSC\GEML\Audio\RailNetwork\TrackBedRumble\R_FX_Rumble.dav has a 'smpl' chunk defined in the wave file but no sample loops defined.
This is not an error, but is it as intended?
[RunTimeError 18:33:27] Unexpected failure in ForceJunctionStates
[RunTimeError 18:33:27]
[RunTimeError 18:33:27] ASSERT((endPos - startPos).magnitude3() < 0.1f);
[RunTimeError 18:33:27]
[RunTimeError 18:33:27] Network::cTrackNetwork::ForceJunctionStates()
[RunTimeError 18:33:27]
[RunTimeError 18:33:27] cTrackNetwork.cpp : 2099
[RunTimeError 18:33:47] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 18:33:47]
[RunTimeError 18:33:47] cGBuffer.cpp : 517
[RunTimeError 18:33:47]
[RunTimeError 18:33:47] Expression: (count = mSurfaces[eSurfaceAccessibleDepth]->Release()) == 0
[RunTimeError 18:33:47]
[RunTimeError 18:33:47]
[RunTimeError 18:33:47] Assertion failed
[RunTimeError 18:33:47]
[RunTimeError 18:33:47] ASSERT(count == 0);
[RunTimeError 18:33:47]
[RunTimeError 18:33:47] cHcDisplayManager::shutdown()
[RunTimeError 18:33:47]
[RunTimeError 18:33:47] Pc\cHcDisplayManagerPc.cpp : 698
[RunTimeError 18:33:47] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 18:33:47]
[RunTimeError 18:33:47] DxCommon\cHcDrawInterfaceDx.cpp : 178
[RunTimeError 18:33:47]
[RunTimeError 18:33:47] Expression: (count = mPlatform.mD3D->Release ()) == 0
[RunTimeError 18:33:47]
[RunTimeError 18:33:47]
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Сообщения: 752
Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2015
Репутация: 1470

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

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oldman777, из того, что я могу определить, так это отсутствие дополнения, например, pml3, addon:

Код: Выделить всё

[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : pml3, addon
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: railvehicles\Electric\pml3_TGV Duplex\Default\Engine\Duplex_loco2.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: wagon.xml
[Content 18:27:10] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Dutch Classics, DC40002-24A Plan D B7805 Blauw NS Logo - clean
Andi_M, OEBB, остальное, похоже, ПС, задействованный в сценариях, но не установленный.
Что примечательно: начиная с 18:26:55 и по 18:27:55 (т.е. 1 мин), сим пытался найти то, чего нет. Если это установить (или отключить), время загрузки сократится на 1 минуту.
Сильные люди - это не те, у которых всё хорошо, а те, у которых всё хорошо несмотря ни на что.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1684
Зарегистрирован: 18 авг 2015
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1267

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение oldman777 »

Света Огромное срасибо за помощь! Отсутствие дополнения pml3, Это ранее установленный, а потом удалённый pml3_TGVduplex.
От него даже пустой папки pml3 не осталось, но пустое окно с названием продолжает висеть в списке выбора локомотивов. Как от него избавится - загадка.
Andi_M, OEBB тоже удалён вместе со сценариями и папки Andi_M тоже нет.
А относительно того что сим в течении минуты пытался найти то чего нет, забыл предупредить что игра лицензионная,
и предполагаю это время тратится на сравнение моих установленных дополнений с общим реестром стима,
так как в логе в частности присутствуют RSC, Class33Pack01, RSC, Class70Pack01, а я их никогда не покупал и не устанавливал.
Остаётся вопрос, как избавится от последствий удалённых дополнений?
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 752
Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2015
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FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение Света »

oldman777, то, что Вы не ставили, ещё не означает, что сим не будет их искать =) . Достаточно, чтобы эти дополнения были активированы в фильтре редактора. Поэтому и избавиться от поиска этих дополнений можно через редактор (хотя, если много чего установлено, это очень долгий путь). Для этого (например, чтобы убрать поиск pml3, addon) нужно создать в папке Assets папку pml3, а в ней - папку addon. Затем, войти в режим редактора и открыть маршрут, где этот аддон мог использоваться, открыть список используемых аддонов и снять галочки против pml3>>addon, если его нет - проделать то же со следующим маршрутом. Так же и с остальными дополнениями. Для отключения поиска подвижного состава нужно открывать в редакторе сценарии и в них снимать галочки с несуществующих дополнений. Потом эти пустые папки можно удалить.
Галочки можно снимать только с тех дополнений, которых у Вас точно нет и для которых временно созданы пустые папки, потому что если снять галочку против установленного дополнения, то в случае редактора сценария накроется сценарий, а если запущен редактор маршрута, то пропадут объекты, входящие в отключенное дополнение.
Сильные люди - это не те, у которых всё хорошо, а те, у которых всё хорошо несмотря ни на что.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1684
Зарегистрирован: 18 авг 2015
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 1267

FAQ: Train Simulator 2015

Сообщение oldman777 »

Света pml3 устанавливал без сценариев, пару раз запускал в Квик драйв, на каких маршрутах не помню, затем удалил.
Andi_M устанавливал исключительно для сценариев маршрута Spielfeld-Strass – Bad Radkersburg Route - RSSLO. Маршрут сценарии и Andi_M, OEBB так же удалены.
Вероятно проще всё оставить как есть.
В любом случае, спасибо за помощь!