Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Непосредственное обсуждение подвижного состава, маршрутов, сценариев, геймплея и прочей игровой концепции. Руководство для начинающих: вопрос-ответ.
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Сообщения: 2840
Зарегистрирован: 18 авг 2011
Откуда: Черкесск
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Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение Sherlok »

Class 50 у вас последней версии?
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 341
Зарегистрирован: 30 май 2011
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 77

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение psaw666 »

Есть СТИМОВСКИЙ (покупной ) и скаченный с РУТРЕКЕРА ( из твоих раздач )
Сообщения: 580
Зарегистрирован: 14 фев 2013
Откуда: Московская обл.
Репутация: 105

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение YuriA »

Кто знает, как убрать галки (пройденный сценарий) у одного маршрута? Хочется пройти снова весь маршрут, но из-за галок не поймёшь где был, где не был.
Версия лицензионная. И не восстановит ли мне всё обратно, при проверке кеша?
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Сообщения: 3235
Зарегистрирован: 09 авг 2012
Репутация: 1811

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение PseudoStalker »

Все данные о пройденных сценариях пишутся в один файл. Угробить все одним махом - не проблема. Удалить данные касательно одного единственного маршрута - маловероятно, так как в файл они пишутся в произвольном порядке, там нет секций по маршрутам.
Сообщения: 2824
Зарегистрирован: 20 сен 2012
Откуда: Королёв (МО)
Репутация: 4290
Контактная информация:

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение Itzanami »

Это можно сделать через RWTools, по крайней мере пару лет назад можно было. Я уже точно не помню какой именно файл нужно было открывать, скорей всего тот, о котором говорит PseudoStalker. Помню, что после открытия было много текста и среди этого текста приходилось искать конкретный сценарий и менять в одном месте complete на incomplete (ну или наоборот, в зависимости от того, пройден сценарий или нет). Но то было на пиратке, а вот на лицензии скорей всего галка появится снова, если её таким образом убрать.
Сообщения: 580
Зарегистрирован: 14 фев 2013
Откуда: Московская обл.
Репутация: 105

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение YuriA »

PseudoStalker писал(а):Все данные о пройденных сценариях пишутся в один файл. Угробить все одним махом - не проблема. Удалить данные касательно одного единственного маршрута - маловероятно, так как в файл они пишутся в произвольном порядке, там нет секций по маршрутам.
Чего хоть за файл? Может поковыряюсь

P.S. Кажись нашёл. SDBCache.bin
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 3235
Зарегистрирован: 09 авг 2012
Репутация: 1811

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение PseudoStalker »

YuriA писал(а): Чего хоть за файл?
Все ваши галочки и крестики за пройденные сценарии хранятся в файле Carrer.xml, который проживает в userdata в вашей папке Steam. Номер приложения 24010 :wink:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 968
Зарегистрирован: 16 мар 2014
Откуда: Нижний Новгород
Репутация: 91

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение yurinn »

Подскажите - какое правильное название должно быть у у файла геометрии в папке китайского пассажирского вагона "Series 22" (скрин) у автора "T9Express"?
Сообщения: 580
Зарегистрирован: 14 фев 2013
Откуда: Московская обл.
Репутация: 105

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение YuriA »

PseudoStalker писал(а):Все ваши галочки и крестики за пройденные сценарии хранятся в файле Carrer.xml, который проживает в userdata в вашей папке Steam. Номер приложения 24010
Очень интересно, но в RailWorks\Content\SDBCache.bin хранится тоже информация о пройденных сценариях. Хрен поймёшь у этого Стима, что откуда растёт :x . Ладно, тема закрыта. Могу просто уничтожить все достижения и начать снова. Для меня это не критично. :wink:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 2433
Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2014
Откуда: Россия
Репутация: 3369

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение marw1n »

Кто подскажет, в чем проблема? Набираем 1000 очков, а в итоге показывает что ноль и не ставит у сценария галку пройден.
Причем с Class 415 такая же ерунда.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 2568
Зарегистрирован: 27 дек 2010
Откуда: Питер
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Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение whity »

marw1n, предположу, что ты достиг предела. :wink:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 2433
Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2014
Откуда: Россия
Репутация: 3369

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение marw1n »

Не не не) Видел 61 лвл))
Аватара пользователя
Aya Tokido
Сообщения: 762
Зарегистрирован: 16 янв 2014
Откуда: Россия, Оренбургская обл, Орск
Репутация: 284

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение Aya Tokido »

Ну значит просто баг. Поправят -мой Стим аккаунт - Мой обновленный блог
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 223
Зарегистрирован: 19 июл 2011
Репутация: 363

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение DJS »

Всем доброго времени суток !
Подскажите пожалуйста - на TS 2015 не запускаются некоторые старые маршруты ( Cajon Pass - Ohio Steel 2 - Northeast Corridor ) либо на определённом участке маршрута вылетает.... :%) Хотя на TS 2014 - всё окей !
....может в каком то файле этих маршрутов надо что то изменить ...???
Сообщения: 580
Зарегистрирован: 14 фев 2013
Откуда: Московская обл.
Репутация: 105

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение YuriA »

Запускай Logmate.exe, до запуска игры, и отчёт сюда
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 752
Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2015
Репутация: 1470

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение Света »

Всем доброго времени суток! Прошу помощи от тех, кто сталкивался с таким багом: при попытке изменения высоты лофтового объекта (конкретно рельсового полотна) комп сначала начинает подтормаживать, потом следует вылет. Потянуть полотно удается максимум в 5-10 местах. Было предположение, что проблема в "тяжелых" рельсах (от Радиомастера), но с дефолтными картина не изменилась. Раньше такого не было, сегодня не меньше 5 вылетов в час. LogMate прилагается. Версия симулятора - TS2014, v39.3a.
[RunTimeError 16:18:59] Trace mdump.cpp : 316 = error handlers have been set
[Content 16:19:01] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Kuju, RailSimulatorCore
[Content 16:19:01] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: Cameras\EditCamera001.xml
[RunTimeError 16:19:56] TODO
[RunTimeError 16:19:56]
[RunTimeError 16:19:56] cTelemetryManager::openSocket()
[RunTimeError 16:19:56]
[RunTimeError 16:19:56] cTelemetryManager.cpp : 1274
[RunTimeError 16:20:11] Duplicate Scenario GUID in SerializeDatabase
[RunTimeError 16:20:11]
[RunTimeError 16:20:11] ASSERT(mScenarioMap.find( scenario->getScenarioID() ) == mScenarioMap.end());
[RunTimeError 16:20:11]
[RunTimeError 16:20:11] cScenarioDatabase::SerializeDatabase()
[RunTimeError 16:20:11]
[RunTimeError 16:20:11] cScenarioDatabase.cpp : 1221
[RunTimeError 16:20:29] Can't find route properties
[RunTimeError 16:20:29]
[RunTimeError 16:20:29] cDatabase::loadScenarioProperties()
[RunTimeError 16:20:29]
[RunTimeError 16:20:29] cDatabase.cpp : 1125
[RunTimeError 16:20:38] SetHTTPRequest Headers and Params failed
[RunTimeError 16:20:38]
[RunTimeError 16:20:38] cScenarioDatabase::FetchDLC()
[RunTimeError 16:20:38]
[RunTimeError 16:20:38] cScenarioDatabase.cpp : 1402
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\460\Default\Engine\460.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\460\Default\Engine\460.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\OEBB_2043\Default\Engine\OEBB_2043.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1142\default\OEBB_1142_vl_nL_Pflatsch.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Railtraction, BR628
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: BR628_4\Engine\Br628.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Railtraction, BR628
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Re44\Default\Engine\re44.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : astauder, Addon
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Freight\as_Holzwaggon\Default\Wagon\as_holzwaggonL1.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : astauder, Addon
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1042\default\OEBB_1042_vl_aL_Pflatsch.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\OEBB_2043\Default\Engine\OEBB_2043.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1042\default\OEBB_1042_vl_aL_Pflatsch.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Re44_Cargo\Cargo\Engine\Re44Cargo.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Eisenbahnwerk, AddOn03_Krokodil
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: E-Loks\OEBB 1189 Krokodil\Rot\Engine\1189-02-Front.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Eisenbahnwerk, AddOn03_Krokodil
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1042\default\OEBB_1042_vl_aL_Pflatsch.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\OEBB_2043\Default\Engine\OEBB_2043.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1142\default\OEBB_1142_vl_nL_Pflatsch.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_ICE1
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: Elloks\ICE\ICE.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_ICE1
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Re44_Cargo\Cargo\Engine\Re44Cargo.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Re44\Default\Engine\re44.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\460\Default\Engine\460.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Re44_Cargo\Cargo\Engine\Re44Cargo.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Re44\Default\Engine\re44.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : JAW, addsbb
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : astauder, Addon
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\ER20_Engine\OBB\Engine\ER20_OBB.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : astauder, Addon
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : astauder, Addon
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\ER20_Engine\OBB\Engine\ER20_OBB.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : astauder, Addon
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\OEBB_1142\default\OEBB_1142_vl_nL_Logo.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, OEBB
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\DBS\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\OneDark\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\BR Green.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\50007.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\RES\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\ICSwallow\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\Large Logo Grey.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 380 3 Car Fragment.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 380 3 Car Fragment.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\FSRail\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\EWS\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\RfdOrig\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\BR_Blue_2\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class47Pack01
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class47\NetworkSouthEast2\Engine\class47_nse2.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class47Pack01
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 380 3 Car Fragment.xml
[Content 16:20:38] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\BR Blue Pre Tops.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class390\IC\DMSO\Class390DMSO.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class390\GNER\DMSO\Class390DMSO.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\Large Logo.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\BR_Green\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\NSE\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\ICSwallow\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class57-0\Default\Engine\Class57_WCRC.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack02
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class67\Default\Engine\Class67_Jubilee.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class67Pack02
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\Railfreight_Grey\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\Large Logo Blue.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\Virgin\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\One\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\EWS\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\NSE Original.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 380 4 Car Fragment.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Class 380 4 Car Fragment.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : TotalizeMedia, Class380Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\DBS\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\Large Logo Blue.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\HST\FGW_FAG\Class43\class43_fgw.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, HSTPack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Class90\FSRail\Class 90.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : AP_Waggonz, Class90Pack
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\Default.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class 66\FL\emd_66_FL.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class66Pack02
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class47Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\Mk2 8 Car Set.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class47Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class33\General_Grey\Engine\Class33.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : RSC, Class33Pack01
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Electric\Class390\LMS\DMSO\Class390DMSO.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : S9BL, Class390Addon
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Diesel\Class57-0\Default\Engine\Class57_WCRC.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Oovee, BRClass57Pack01_WCRC
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: PreLoad\ConsistFragments\NSE Revised.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : MichaelWhiteley, Class 50
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passenger\CD-Eurofima\Bmz_CD-Orange.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passenger\CD-Eurofima\Bmz_CD-Orange.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passenger\CD-Eurofima\Bmz_CD-Rot.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passenger\CD-Eurofima\Amz_CD-Blau.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passenger\CD-Eurofima\Amz_CD-Orange.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passenger\CD-Eurofima\Bmz_CD-Blau.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passenger\CD-Eurofima\Bmz_CD-Blau.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 423 = Blueprint set not found for: RailVehicles\Passenger\CD-Eurofima\Amz_CD-Orange.xml
[Content 16:20:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 392 = Blueprint set not found : Andi_M, CD
[RunTimeError 16:20:39] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 16:20:39]
[RunTimeError 16:20:39] cSteamWorkshopFileSync.cpp : 119
[RunTimeError 16:20:39]
[RunTimeError 16:20:39] Expression: api != 0
[RunTimeError 16:20:39]
[RunTimeError 16:20:39]
[RunTimeError 16:33:31] Blueprint being deleted with non-zero ref count
[RunTimeError 16:33:31]
[RunTimeError 16:33:31] ASSERT(mRefCount == 0);
[RunTimeError 16:33:31]
[RunTimeError 16:33:31] cBlueprint::~cBlueprint()
[RunTimeError 16:33:31]
[RunTimeError 16:33:31] C:\build\CoreRelease\Code\\PublicInterfaces\../Libs/Blueprints/cBlueprint.d.h : 65
[RunTimeError 16:33:40] Trace mdump.cpp : 282 = Dump taken
Спасибо всем откликнувшимся!
Сильные люди - это не те, у которых всё хорошо, а те, у которых всё хорошо несмотря ни на что.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 223
Зарегистрирован: 19 июл 2011
Репутация: 363

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение DJS »

YuriA писал(а):Запускай Logmate.exe, до запуска игры, и отчёт сюда
[RunTimeError 19:46:06] Trace mdump.cpp : 422 = error handlers have been set
[Content 19:46:07] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : Kuju, RailSimulatorCore
[Content 19:46:07] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Cameras\EditCamera001.xml
[RunTimeError 19:46:07] career.xml load failed
[RunTimeError 19:46:07]
[RunTimeError 19:46:07] ASSERT(mCareerLoadedOkay);
[RunTimeError 19:46:07]
[RunTimeError 19:46:07] cCareerModel::Load()
[RunTimeError 19:46:07]
[RunTimeError 19:46:07] cCareerModel.cpp : 193
[RunTimeError 19:46:12] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 19:46:12]
[RunTimeError 19:46:12] cBlueprintSet.cpp : 345
[RunTimeError 19:46:12]
[RunTimeError 19:46:12] Expression: success
[RunTimeError 19:46:12]
[RunTimeError 19:46:12] Assets\JL\CP\TemplateRoutes\CPMountain - Copy (3).bin appears to contain invalid data
[RunTimeError 19:46:12] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 19:46:12]
[RunTimeError 19:46:12] cBlueprintSet.cpp : 345
[RunTimeError 19:46:12]
[RunTimeError 19:46:12] Expression: success
[RunTimeError 19:46:12]
[RunTimeError 19:46:12] Assets\JL\CP\TemplateRoutes\CPMountaincp.bin appears to contain invalid data
[RunTimeError 19:46:39] SetHTTPRequest Headers and Params failed
[RunTimeError 19:46:39]
[RunTimeError 19:46:39] cScenarioDatabase::FetchDLC()
[RunTimeError 19:46:39]
[RunTimeError 19:46:39] cScenarioDatabase.cpp : 1415
[Content 19:46:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR103_TEE
[Content 19:46:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 448 = Blueprint set not found for: Elloks\BR103\BR103_TEE.xml
[Content 19:46:39] Trace cBlueprintLibrary.cpp : 417 = Blueprint set not found : virtualRailroads, vR_BR103_TEE
[RunTimeError 19:47:40] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 19:47:40]
[RunTimeError 19:47:40] cBlueprintSet.cpp : 345
[RunTimeError 19:47:40]
[RunTimeError 19:47:40] Expression: success
[RunTimeError 19:47:40]
[RunTimeError 19:47:40] Assets\RSC\Dash9Pack01\RailVehicles\Diesel\Dash9\Amtrak California\Engine\Textures\Dash9_Digits_AC.bin appears to contain invalid data
[RunTimeError 19:48:15] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 19:48:15]
[RunTimeError 19:48:15] cSlider.cpp : 363
[RunTimeError 19:48:15]
[RunTimeError 19:48:15] Expression: value.x >= mValueRange.left && value.x <= mValueRange.right && value.y >= && value.y <= mValueRange.bottom
[RunTimeError 19:48:15]
[RunTimeError 19:48:15]
[RunTimeError 19:48:15] Verify failed:
[RunTimeError 19:48:15]
[RunTimeError 19:48:15] cSlider.cpp : 363
[RunTimeError 19:48:15]
[RunTimeError 19:48:15] Expression: value.x >= mValueRange.left && value.x <= mValueRange.right && value.y >= && value.y <= mValueRange.bottom
[RunTimeError 19:48:15]
[RunTimeError 19:48:15]
[RunTimeError 19:50:00] cBlueprintSet::loadFile File exists in blueprint set, but is not a valid blueprint: RailNetwork\TrackRules\PONtrack.bin
[RunTimeError 19:50:00]
[RunTimeError 19:50:00] cBlueprintSet::loadFile()
[RunTimeError 19:50:00]
[RunTimeError 19:50:00] cBlueprintSet.cpp : 369
Игорь Т
Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 17 апр 2015
Откуда: Россия

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение Игорь Т »

Привет! Подскажите, почему при отключенном динамическом освещении в ТС15 в дальней перспективе сфетофоры превращаются в белые квадраты. По мере приближения к объекту плавно переходят в сигнал. Какой функцией исправить?Изображение
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 752
Зарегистрирован: 13 мар 2015
Репутация: 1470

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение Света »

Света писал(а):Прошу помощи от тех, кто сталкивался с таким багом: при попытке изменения высоты лофтового объекта (конкретно рельсового полотна) комп сначала начинает подтормаживать, потом следует вылет
Кроме того, обнаружено, что каждое изменение (перетягивание маркера высоты) сжирает около 100 Мб оперативки, куда они расходуются - непонятно. Если при запуске редактора используется 800-900 Мб, то перед вылетом - 1700 (после нескольких изменений). После переноса маршрута в папку Content сима TS2015, его вообще не удалось открыть, был моментальный вылет. Может сам редактор кривой? Можно ли его поправить, не переустанавливая весь сим? Спасибо :) .
Сильные люди - это не те, у которых всё хорошо, а те, у которых всё хорошо несмотря ни на что.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1753
Зарегистрирован: 04 ноя 2011
Откуда: Литва
Репутация: 1748

Train Simulator (Railworks). Вопросы.

Сообщение Витя »

Света писал(а):Версия симулятора - TS2014, v39.3a
На сколько знаю в некоторых версиях/подверсиях редактор "проплывал" кривым. И даже когда он был был условно "не кривым" - то лишь в меньшей степени кривым. :)
Света писал(а):После переноса маршрута в папку Content сима TS2015, его вообще не удалось открыть
Для этого весь задействованный Asset так же должен быть в TS2015, а маршрут не забагован в прежнем редакторе. Так же US/EU если маршрут 2012 и ранее.